Insights from 2021 CEO Alumni David Lengacher
On February 15, 2024, in a timely and insightful visit, Daviess County CEO Cohort had the pleasure of hosting David Lengacher, a distinguished alumnus of the 2021 CEO program. David, who achieved the remarkable feat of reaching the top 18 finalists in the National CEO Pitch Competition in 2021, shared his experiences and expertise with the current cohort who are gearing up for their own pitch submissions at the end of March.
Drawing on his background as a senior majoring in marketing at the University of Southern Indiana (USI), David delved into the intricacies of capturing judges' attention right from the start. He emphasized the importance of immediately showcasing the uniqueness of one's business, a key factor in making a memorable impression.
To reinforce the marketing fundamentals, David broke down the 4Ps of Marketing - Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. He guided the cohort through essential concepts such as break even point calculations and the significance of Gross Rating Points (GRP) in advertising effectiveness.
David's practical approach extended to identifying effective marketing strategies tailored to the region. He highlighted the impact of giveaways as a promotional tool and underscored the undeniable influence of Digital Marketing in the contemporary business landscape.
The interactive session, including an exercise where the cohort described the uniqueness of their respective businesses, provided valuable insights into crafting compelling pitches. David's expertise and real-world perspective added a layer of practicality to the cohort's understanding of marketing principles.
As the Daviess County CEO Cohort continues to refine their pitches, they express gratitude to David Lengacher for his engaging session and valuable contributions. The intersection of past and present CEO participants fosters a collaborative learning environment, where insights from those who have walked the entrepreneurial path before pave the way for future success.

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