Shaylee Truelove is currently a Senior at Washington Catholic High School graduating in May ... Learn More
Shaylee Truelove
About Me
Shaylee Truelove is currently a Senior at Washington Catholic High School graduating in May 2019. She participates in a number of athletic teams including volleyball, tennis, and cheerleading - in each she holds a leadership role as Varsity Captain. Shaylee also serves as the Manager of the Girls Varsity soccer team. In addition, she is a member of the following clubs and organizations: BETA Club, DECA, Pep Club, Yearbook Committee, Relay for Life, St. Vincent de Paul Youth Group, Our Lady of Hope Youth Band, and the Glendale Good Guys 4-H Club. Shaylee plans to pursue her post-secondary education at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana where she will study environmental biology. “The CEO program is a unique, once in a lifetime opportunity that I feel beyond blessed to be apart of. I have always believed that there is no better way to learn than through first hand experience and CEO allows me to do just that. I have seen the effect this program has had on young adults like myself and I cannot wait to see what the rest of the school year has in store.”