Last Friday, on 2/23/24, the Daviess County CEO class had the privilege of hosting Sara Norfolk, the Human Resources Manager at Perdue Farms. This session offered an in-depth look into the world of HR, going beyond the conventional notions of hiring and firing.
Sara began by dispelling the misconception that HR is solely about personnel management. She outlined the diverse responsibilities of HR professionals, which encompass planning and management, employer engagement, health and safety, recruitment and selection, community involvement, and fostering diversity and inclusion.
To create a more interactive atmosphere, Sara encouraged the class to share defining moments from their lives. This personal touch added depth to the conversation, making the class feel more at ease and engaged.
One of the highlights of the session was Sara's practical advice on interviews and resumes. For interviews, she stressed the importance of thorough research, preparing an elevator speech, arriving with questions, punctuality, and practicing extensively. Her quirky reminder – "we all wear pants" – injected humor while emphasizing professionalism.
On the topic of resumes, Sara offered a valuable piece of advice: "If you aren't ready to talk about it, don't put it in your resume." This insight underlined the significance of authenticity during interviews and ensured that candidates are well-prepared to discuss every aspect of their resume.
Sara also shared her accumulated wisdom on broader HR principles, including the critical role of networking. Her emphasis on community involvement and the mantra, "It's not always what you know, but who you know," highlighted the importance of building a strong professional network.
The class expressed their gratitude to Sara for dedicating her time to share her experiences and insights. This enriching session not only provided a deeper understanding of HR but also equipped the students with practical tips for navigating interviews and building successful careers. Sara's visit undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the aspiring professionals of the Daviess County CEO class.

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