On Thursday March 7th, the Daviess County CEO Cohort was graced with the presence of Gracie Madison, a distinguished 2020 CEO Alumni. Currently pursuing her studies in Marketing & PR at the University of Southern Indiana, Gracie holds the esteemed title of an Indy 500 Festival Princess. Her journey has taken her from local acclaim to international experiences, including a transformative semester in Madrid, Spain, where she honed her adaptability and intercultural skills.
Gracie's visit provided invaluable insights to the cohort, especially with Banker's Day and a 30-second pitch competition looming on the horizon. She emphasized the importance of clarity in presenting one's product: What makes it special? What problem does it solve for the customer? Moreover, she underscored the significance of attitude, affirming that success on Banker's Day is 50% mindset.
One of Gracie's notable revelations was the recognition of oneself as a personal brand—a concept instilled in her through the CEO program. She shared interview strategies with the cohort, urging them to articulate what sets them apart and to allow their authentic selves to shine through.
In parting, Gracie left the cohort with a profound reflection: college is a canvas upon which individuals paint their own experiences. Encouraging them to be active participants in shaping their journey, she illuminated the power of seizing opportunities and making the most of every moment.
Gracie Madison's visit was not merely an occasion for inspiration but a catalyst for soul-searching and action. As the cohort prepares to navigate the challenges ahead, they carry with them Gracie's wisdom, poised to make their mark on the entrepreneurial landscape. Thank you, Gracie, for your invaluable guidance and encouragement.

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